
Using our website

Our online services are delivered using https so you can rest assured that any personal information you submit is protected by a secure connection.

If you access our online services, your information may be shared with other council services and partner organisations to ensure our records are kept accurate and help us to identify services or benefits you may be entitled to or interested in.

We may also need to share your information for the prevention and detection of fraud and/or other crimes or as the law requires.

Any email may be monitored and used by 91麻豆天美 for reasons of security and for monitoring internal compliance with council policy. This includes the content of emails and attachments. For instance, inappropriate or offensive content would be blocked. The contents of any emails to the council may have to be disclosed to third parties under Data Protection legislation.

Using a public computer

If you are using a public computer, to prevent other go back to view the details you have typed into a form on the web it is advisable to clear the contents of the form and your internet history before leaving the computer.

Virus protection

We make every effort to check and test the material on our site but it’s good practice to have an anti-virus programme on your device. We cannot accept any responsibility or liability for any loss, disruption or damage to your data or to your computer system which may occur as a result of using material from our site.

Page last updated: 1 May 2024