
Environment: air quality, odour, noise, vibration and light

Photo of smoke from industrial chimneysPoor air quality, odour, noise, vibration and lighting can all act as pollutants which can generate complaints from neighbours or objections to your proposed development at the planning application stage.

We manage a range services, from the provision of simple advice and preliminary assessment of constraints, through to detailed impact assessments and development of mitigation solutions. Reports can be standalone or form part of an Environmental Impact Assessment (ES Chapters).

The range of services related to planning includes:

  • Baseline Noise/Vibration Monitoring Survey; a manual noise survey will include a visit to a site and the undertaking of noise measurements of a specific noise source.
  • Noise/Vibration Impact Assessments; ranging from fixed plant unit installations to any type of noise, or vibration generating activities (indoor or outdoor).
  • Noise/Vibration Control and Management Measures
  • Odour Impact Assessments; when considering a planning application for an activity that may release odours or when a sensitive use is being proposed near to an existing odorous process.
  • Environmental lighting and 'right of light'
  • Air Quality Assessments; from preliminary identification of constraints, through to air quality monitoring; atmospheric dispersion modelling and detailed assessment.
  • Preparation of chapters for Environmental Impact Assessments.