
Tender opportunities

Tender for supported living and care homes with and without nursing care

CQC registered care providers are invited to apply to join the council’s contractual arrangements for supported living and care homes with and without nursing care, via the CareMatch Portal.

Go to CareMatch portal

The 2023 contract is for providers wishing to make new offers of service between 24 April 2023 and April 2028.

For information about this open tender, including the procurement clarification tracker, see care homes and supported living contract 2023.

Tender for home support and quick discharge services

During October 2023, we held a number of provider engagement events which gave us an opportunity to hear views about proposed changes in the Commissioning Strategy for Home Support and Quick Discharge Service.

On 22 December 2023, we held a market briefing via Teams to share the approved approach to commissioning these services, and to provide an update on the tender timescales and next steps.

Download the market briefing presentation

The Commissioning Strategies for these services were approved at the 12 December 2023 Cabinet meeting and can be found here:

Decision details

The Cabinet has also approved a short contract extension for the current home support and quick discharge services until no later than 7 October 2024, or until such time as a new contract is entered into by the council for the provision of Home Support and/or Quick Discharge Services.

The Contract Notice giving effect to this decision, which should be considered as the relevant Notice under Clause 33.3 of the Framework Agreements stated, was circulated to providers in a bulletin issued on 28 December 2023.

If you do not have a copy, email: marketintelligence@birmingham.gov.uk

Further information about the tenders will be published in the weekly Care Provider Bulletins which are issued to providers by email, and also available on the Care services providers' bulletin page. If you would like to be added to the Care Provider Bulletin list, email marketintelligence@birmingham.gov.uk

Update 9 April 2024

The tender for the replacement contracts Home Support and Quick Discharge Service 2024 is live and you can apply now on the CareMatch Portal:

Legal tender notices have been published on the following:

The expected start date for the new contracts is 8 October 2024.

Briefing session

You can view the recorded briefing session on .

Any transcripts or subtitles have been produced automatically and there may be some transcription errors. You can refer to the text on the slides as the primary source of information.

An accessible version of the slides in the recording is available; How to apply for a 2024 Home Support or Quick Discharge Service contract through the CareMatch Portal – accessible slides.

The CareMatch Portal User Guide has recently been refreshed and further details added around the application and correspondence sections. You can ensure you are using the latest version of the user guide by accessing the CareMatch Portal.

Procurement clarification tracker Home Support and Quick Discharge Service

Questions and answers for the Home Support and Quick Discharge Service 2024 contracts are available in the procurement clarification tracker:

Download clarification tracker

Tender for the provision of home support sensory loss

CQC registered care providers were invited on 3 January 2023 to apply to join the council’s contractual arrangements for the provision of home support – sensory loss services via the CareMatch Portal.

This tender is now closed.

Tender for home support for children and young people with disabilities, and for adults

The tender for home support services opened on 29 October 2018 and is now closed.

Page last updated: 10 April 2024