
Request items from storage (stack requests)

You may request any material you find in our . Some material may be in a book stack and will require library staff to retrieve it in advance of your visit. The item will usually have an A or B in front of the classification number and a floor level location of ‘Lower Ground Floor Stack’, Level 5 or Level 6.

Fiction, children’s and music items can usually be retrieved on demand. Requests should be made from the relevant service desks on the mid and lower ground floors.

For non-fiction, use the online form to make an advance request. Library staff will always try to meet your request in time for your visit. We would ask a minimum of 5 days' notice.

Requests in person can be made at the Level 2 customer service desk and all non-fiction items that are retrieved will be made available from this desk too.

Note that this does not include material in the Wolfson Centre for Archival Research, which can be requested separately.

Start request form