
Types of CV

There are a few different styles of CV, the main ones being the Functional CV and the Chronological CV. Choosing which style to use depends upon your career history and the job for which you are applying.

Chronological CV

In a Chronological CV your employment history is shown in reverse chronological order, with your most recent job first. Job titles are strongly emphasised, with duties and achievements described under each job title. You should use a chronological CV when you are seeking a job which is similar to your previous jobs.

Functional CV

If you have had the same job for a long time, you may be concerned that your CV will appear a little empty. It may be that you are unable to show a steady succession of employers, or that you may have been unemployed for a while. If you are thinking of changing career you do not want to advertise on the front page of your CV that you are not currently working in the field of work for which you are applying.

This is where the Functional CV can be very useful. Instead of focusing on employers and job titles, it allows you to identify areas of experience and different skills that have been used, often within the same company or the same job. It also allows you to group together common skills that may have been used over a variety of different jobs. It also allows you to place the emphasis on appropriate transferable skills if you are thinking of changing career.

School Leaver’s CV

If you are just leaving school, or have just left, your CV is going to be slightly different. Unless you have had after-school work, a weekend or summer job, it will not be possible to record a detailed work history. Instead you will need to highlight other achievements. You could mention any awards, prizes, club memberships or responsibilities. You are not trying to demonstrate experience; you are trying to show that you have potential, enthusiasm and reliability.

Your academic achievements will play a greater part. Always be truthful about these; if you get to interview, you will probably be asked to prove any claims you have made. Any extra-curricular activities should be mentioned, especially where these have involved positions of responsibility, trust and have led to positive achievements.

Skills can play an important part, especially where they are relevant to the employer. Office-based skills such as word processing, spreadsheets and databases could prove useful in a junior admin post. First Aid, life saving and swimming skills should be listed if going for a trainee life guard job.

Don't forget to list any voluntary work you have done. This is just as valid as paid employment, and can demonstrate valuable qualities to a potential employer.

We have prepared two examples of school leaver's CVs.