
Children, young people and music

We offer plenty for budding musicians. If you’re looking for sheet music or music CDs, you can find them all in our Young Musician section. Information books are in the Children’s Library. Young people with more musical experience are welcome to explore further afield. Just think – the whole of the Music Library is there waiting for you. Ask us if you’re not sure how to find things – we're here to help.

Are you learning to play an instrument or to sing? We have Associated Board (ABRSM) exam pieces, and books on music available to help you. If you’re teaching yourself online, check out our scores to give you extra help.

Do you enjoy making music? Practice rooms and performance spaces are available in the Library to help you grow – booking is essential. Speak to us for details.

There are also songbooks for parents and teachers to explore with children, printed music for young performers, and books to help with homework.