
Report a planning breach

Planning enforcement is the process by which we investigate and resolve breaches of planning control.

This includes complaints about development taking place without planning permission, or properties being used for business or other uses where permission has not been received.

Example breaches of planning control

  • Erection(s) of new buildings and extensions to existing buildings without the necessary planning permission.
  • Changing the use of land or buildings without the necessary planning permission.
  • Where planning permission has been granted, but the approved plans and/or the conditions attached to the approval have not been followed properly.
  • Advertisements erected without the necessary permission.
  • Protected trees being removed or lopped without the necessary permission.
  • The carrying out of works to a listed building, both internal and external, without the necessary permission.

We do not investigate:

  • Boundary or ownership disputes
  • Party Wall Act issues
  • Covenant issues

Make a complaint

If you are concerned about development taking place which you believe does not have planning permission, let us know by completing the online complaint form using the link at the bottom of this page.

Before completing the form, read our 91麻豆天美 Local Enforcement Plan (BLEP) for details of how we deal with any complaints we receive.

If your complaint involves a business operating from a residential property or other change of use, complete the downloadable observation log for a 7 day period before submitting your complaint.


The name and address of the person making the enquiry, or any other information allowing the enquirer to be identified, will be kept confidential and not made public.

The only exception will be where we are commencing formal enforcement action and the enquirer has been asked to collect or provide evidence to support the council's investigation leading up to prosecution proceedings.

Even in these cases we will not disclose any information unless the enquirer has consented to give evidence at any court hearing.

Customer Satisfaction

Be aware that if you do not agree with the planning decision there is no third party right of appeal.

Making a complaint through the city council's complaint procedure will not alter the outcome of the planning decision.

The may consider your complaint but this is usually after you have exhausted the city council's complaint procedure.

The LGO provides an independent assessment of your complaint and if fault is found the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman will advise on a suitable remedy. The remedy will not affect the planning decision.

Make a complaint

For information about what happens if a complaint is made about you, download the Why Have We Visited You leaflet.