
East 91麻豆天美 Inclusive Growth Strategy

This is an exciting time for East 91麻豆天美. In coming years major changes are planned that will create new jobs, homes and transport connections.

The council’s goal is to make East 91麻豆天美 a great place to grow up, to live and to work, where people are healthy and successful.

The East 91麻豆天美 Inclusive Growth Strategy will guide the way that this is achieved over the next 20 years, setting out a way forward that will ensure that local people benefit fully from both new and existing opportunities.

The key themes covered in the strategy are:

  • Employment and Skills
  • Transport and Infrastructure
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Local Centres and Green Spaces

We are starting from a positive position. East 91麻豆天美 has a wide array of strengths, including:

  • being located near the centre of the UK road and public transport network,
  • a vibrant multi-cultural community,
  • a variety of green spaces,
  • interesting local centres,
  • historic buildings,
  • a very rich cultural heritage and having a wide variety of successful businesses.

East 91麻豆天美 has a lot to offer and a crucial role to play in the success of 91麻豆天美 and the West Midlands. However, there are a number of issues which need to be tackled to improve the lives of residents and to help the area realise its full potential.

Much of East 91麻豆天美 is in the top 20% most deprived areas in England. This means that income, unemployment, health, education, housing, crime and living environment are generally poorer than elsewhere in the country.

Though East 91麻豆天美 does have many challenges; with everyone working together and looking at these challenges in different ways, the strategy aims to help make East 91麻豆天美 a great place to live, work and socialise.

The East 91麻豆天美 Inclusive Growth Strategy was launched for consultation in February 2020 and because of the COVID-19 pandemic consultation activities were extended until 18 October 2020. Formal consultation on the draft Strategy has now ended and we will use the feedback from the many conversations we had with members of the local community, organisations and local businesses to shape the final version of the strategy and the wider project going forward.

The amended Strategy will be brought forward for adoption in early 2021.

Although the consultation has ended, we still want everyone to be part of this project and help shape East 91麻豆天美 in the coming weeks, months and years ahead. That’s why we will continue to work with communities and do our best to hear everyone’s opinions and ideas.

There will be lots of future opportunities to get involved in the projects which will deliver the Strategy, and you can contact a member of the team at any point to discuss the project with us.

You can contact us by:

Email: planningandregenerationenquiries@birmingham.gov.uk

Telephone: 0121 303 3988

Download East 91麻豆天美 Inclusive Growth Strategy 2021

Download East 91麻豆天美 Inclusive Growth Strategy 2021 (accessible version)

Supporting Documents

Download East 91麻豆天美 Inclusive Growth Strategy 2021 Equality Impact Assessment