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Manual edits applied where flow paths clearly omitted e.g. below bridges. " Flow routes dictated by topography; a uniform allowance of 12mm/hr has been made for manmade drainage in urban areas. Infiltration allowance reduces runoff to 39% in rural areas and 70% in urban areas. " Areas that may flood are defined by dynamically routing a 1.1 hour duration storm with 1 in 200 chance of occurring in any year over the DTM using JBA s JFLOW GPU model. " Manning s n of 0.1 in rural areas; 0.03 in urban areas, to reflect explicit modelling of buildings in urban areas. " No allowance made for local variations in drainage, pumping or other works constructed for the purpose of flood risk management. " The  >0.1m layer shows where modelled flooding is greater than 0.1m deep.g" Topography is derived from 64.5% LIDAR (on 0.25m-2m grids; original accuracy 0.15m) and 35.5% NEXTMap SAR (on 5m grid; original accuracy 1.0m), processed to remove buildings & vegetation, then combined on a 2m grid; buildings added with an arbitrary height of 5m based on OS MasterMap 2009 building footprints, then resampled to a 5m grid DTM. Manual edits applied where flow paths clearly omitted e.g. below bridges. " Flow routes dictated by topography; a uniform allowance of 12mm/hr has been made for manmade drainage in urban areas. Infiltration allowance reduces runoff to 39% in rural areas and 70% in urban areas. " Areas that may flood are defined by dynamically routing a 1.1 hour duration storm with 1 in 200 chance of occurring in any year over the DTM using JBA s JFLOW GPU model. " Manning s n of 0.1 in rural areas; 0.03 in urban areas, to reflect explicit modelling of buildings in urban areas. " No allowance made for local variations in drainage, pumping or other works constructed for the purpose of flood risk management. " The  >0.3m layer shows where modelled flooding is greater than 0.3m deep.Depth-duration-frequency curves derived from FEH CD-ROM, from centre of each 5km model, with areal reduction factor applied to convert point rainfall estimate to more representative figure. Curve then used to derive 1.1 hr, 1:30 chance rainfall depth; this is converted to hyetograph, using summer rainfall profile. See "Description of assessment method" for allowances for infiltration and drainage.Depth-duration-frequency curves derived from FEH CD-ROM, from centre of each 5km model, with areal reduction factor applied to convert point rainfall estimate to more representative figure. Curve then used to derive 1.1 hr, 1:200 chance rainfall depth; this is converted to hyetograph, using summer rainfall profile. See "Description of assessment method" for allowances for infiltration and drainage.Origin FRA RationaleThis field will autopopulate using the LLFA name provided on the "Instructions" tab, and the Flood Risk Area ID. It is an EU-wide unique identifier and will be used to report the Flood Risk Area information. Format: UK. "ONS Code" is a unique reference for each LLFA. "A" indicates it is a Flood Risk Area. "LLFA Flood ID" is a sequential number beginning with 0001.]oThis field will autopopulate using the LLFA name provided on the "Instructions" tab, and the Flood ID. It is an EU-wide unique identifier and will be used to report the flood information. Format: UK

. "ONS Code" is a unique reference for each LLFA. "P or F" indicates if the event is past or future. "LLFA Flood ID" is a sequential number beginning with 0001.]eindicative Flood Risk Area50000PPick a broad level of confidence in the Main source of flooding from; 'High' (compelling evidence of source - about 80% confident that source is correct), 'Medium' (some evidence of source but not compelling - about 50% confident that source is correct) 'Low' (source assumed - about 20% confident that source is correct) or 'Unknown'. %(?IIf there were Significant consequences to cultural heritage, describe them including information such as the number and type of heritage assets flooded.;If there would be Significant consequences to cultural heritage, describe them including information such as the number and type of heritage assets flooded.?If the Flood Risk Area has been identified as a result of Significant consequences to cultural heritage, describe them (such as information about the number and type of heritage assets flooded).:gRName of the locality associated with the Flood Risk Area; a town, city, or county.CSee records below for examples of description of assessment method.On the 14 April 1998 an intense storm system produced surface water flooding across Essex, concentrated in the west of the county. The flooding lasted about 6 hours, and 23 residential properties were recorded as suffering internal flooding, in Epping and North Weald. The surface runoff exceeded the drainage capacity in several places, and so probably had a 1 in 30 to 1 in 50 chance of occuring in any given year.EPick a broad level of confidence in the modelled flood outline from; 'High' (good match to past flood extents - about 80% confident that outline is correct), 'Medium' (reasonable match - about 50% confident that outline is correct), 'Low' (poor match, sparse data - about 20% confident that outline is correct) or 'Unknown'. [Records of Flood Risk Areas and their rationale (preliminary assessment report spreadsheet)/ [Records of future floods and their consequences (preliminary assessment report spreadsheet)/ eRecords of < past floods and their significant consequences (preliminary assessment report spreadsheet)9 Model date2008-08" Modelling developed from combination of national (2004) and local (generally 1998-2010) modelling. " Topography derived from LIDAR (on 0.25m-2m grids; original accuracy 0.15m), NEXTMap SAR (on 5m grid; original accuracy 1.0m), processed to remove buildings & vegetation. For local modelling, topography may include ground survey. " Location of watercourses and tidal flow routes dictated by topographic survey. " Areas that may flood are defined for catchments >3km by routing appropriate flows for that catchment through the model to ascertain water level and thus depth and extent. " Manning s n of 0.1 used for national fluvial modelling; variable (calibrated) values for national tidal modelling; appropriate values selected for local modelling. Channel capacity assumed as QMED for national fluvial modelling; local survey methods used for local modelling. " For the purpose of flood risk management, models assume that there are no raised defences. National methodology described in "National Generalised Modelling for Flood Zones - Fluvial & Tidal Modelling Methods - Methodology, Strengths and Limitations". A national dataset (for England and Wales) of fluvial flood peak estimates was derived from the Flood Estimation Handbook (FEH) to generate a 1 in 1000 chance fluvial flood. Local fluvial modelling uses FEH methods. Peak tidal water levels from either Dixon & Tawn (DT3) or local data sets to derive 1 in 1000 chance tide levels including surge from POL CSX model.WBritish Geological Society (BGS) DiGMapGB-50 [Susceptibility to Groundwater Flooding]. National Grid Reference of the centroid (centre point, falls within polygon) of the flood extent, or of the area affected if there is no extent information. If the flood affects the whole LLFA, then record the centroid of the LLFA.+" Topography is derived from LIDAR (in larger urban areas, on 1, 2 and 3m grids; original accuracy 0.15m) and Geoperspective data (original accuracy 1.5m), processed to remove buildings and vegetation, then degraded to a composite 5m DTM. Manual edits applied where flow paths clearly omitted e.g. below bridges. " Flow routes dictated by topography; no allowance made for manmade drainage. The DTM may miss flow paths below bridges. " Areas that may flood are defined by dynamically routing a 6.5 hour duration storm with 1 in 200 chance of occurring in any year, over the DTM using JBA s JFLOW GPU model. " Manning s n of 0.1 is used throughout, to allow broad scale effects of buildings and other obstructions to be approximated. " No allowance made for drainage, pumping or other works constructed for the purpose of flood risk management. " The  less susceptible layer shows where modelled flooding is 0.1-0.3m deep; you must not interpret this as depth of flooding, rather as indicative of susceptibility to flooding because of modelling uncertainties.f" Topography is derived from 64.5% LIDAR (on 0.25m-2m grids; original accuracy 0.15m) and 35.5% NEXTMap SAR (on 5m grid; original accuracy 1.0m), processed to remove buildings & vegetation, then combined on a 2m grid; buildings added with an arbitrary height of 5m based on OS MasterMap 2009 building footprints, then resampled to a 5m grid DTM. Manual edits applied where flow paths clearly omitted e.g. below bridges. " Flow routes dictated by topography; a uniform allowance of 12mm/hr has been made for manmade drainage in urban areas. Infiltration allowance reduces runoff to 39% in rural areas and 70% in urban areas. " Areas that may flood are defined by dynamically routing a 1.1 hour duration storm with 1 in 30 chance of occurring in any year over the DTM using JBA s JFLOW GPU model. " Manning s n of 0.1 in rural areas; 0.03 in urban areas, to reflect explicit modelling of buildings in urban areas. " No allowance made for local variations in drainage, pumping or other works constructed for the purpose of flood risk management. " The  >0.1m layer shows where modelled flooding is greater than 0.1m deep.The number of days (duration) of the flood - that land not normally covered by water was covered by water. Values should be within the range 0.01 - 999.99 (permitting records to the nearest quarter of an hour, where appropriate).{Were there any significant consequences to human health when the flood occurred, or would there be if it were to re-occur? sWere there any significant economic consequences when the flood occurred, or would there be if it were to re-occur?}Were there any significant consequences to the environment when the flood occurred, or would there be if it were to re-occur?Were there any significant consequences to cultural heritage when the flood occurred, or would there be if it were to re-occur?Has the information been classified under the Government's Protective Marking Scheme? Include protective marking time limit where known. Note: If "Approved for Access" then report "Unmarked< ". Record the number of residential properties where the building structure would be affected either internally or externally by the flood.Record the number of non-residential properties where the building structure would be affected either internally or externally by the flood.Record the number of residential properties where the building structure was affected either internally or externally by the flood, or that would be so affected if the flood were to re-occur.Record the number of non-residential properties where the building structure was affected either internally or externally by the flood, or that would be so affected if the flood were to re-occur.Record the number of residential properties where the building structure would be affected either internally or externally if the flood were to occur.Record the number of non-residential properties where the building structure would be affected either internally or externally if the flood were to occur.MFor use where organisations apply the Government's Protective Marking Scheme." Areas Susceptible to Groundwater Flooding (AStGWF) is a strategic scale map showing groundwater flood areas on a 1km square grid " This data has used the top two susceptibility bands of the British Geological Society (BGS) 1:50,000 Groundwater Flood Susceptibility Map, which was developed on a 50m grid from: " NEXTMap 5m grid DTM. " National Groundwater Level data on a 50m grid " BGS 1:50 000 geological mapping, with classifications of permeability " It covers consolidated aquifers (chalk, limestone, sandstone etc.) and superficial deposits. " Flood plains are not explicitly identified; the mapping identifies where groundwater is likely to emerge, and not where the water is subsequently likely to flow or pond. " No allowance is made for engineering works, or for groundwater rebound or abstraction to prevent groundwater rebound. " Shows the proportion of each 1km grid square which is susceptible to groundwater emergence, using four area categories. " Modelling developed from combination of national (2004) and local (generally 2004-2010) modelling. " Topography derived from LIDAR (on 0.25m-2m grids; original accuracy 0.15m), NEXTMap SAR (on 5m grid; original accuracy 1.0m), processed to remove buildings & vegetation. For local modelling, topography may include ground survey. " Location of watercourses and tidal flow routes dictated by topographic survey. " Areas that may flood are defined for catchments >3km by routing appropriate flows for that catchment through the model to ascertain water level and thus depth and extent. " Manning s n of 0.1 used for national fluvial modelling; variable (calibrated) values for national tidal modelling; appropriate values selected for local modelling. Channel capacity assumed as QMED for national fluvial modelling; local survey methods used for local modelling. " For the purpose of flood risk management, models assume that there are no raised defences. ;Areas Susceptible to Surface Water Flooding (AStSWF) - LessCAreas Susceptible to Surface Water Flooding (AStSWF) - Intermediate;Areas Susceptible to Surface Water Flooding (AStSWF) - More-Flood Map for Surface Water (FMfSW) - 1 in 302Flood Map for Surface Water (FMfSW) - 1 in 30 deep.Flood Map for Surface Water (FMfSW) - 1 in 2003Flood Map for Surface Water (FMfSW) - 1 in 200 deep2Areas Susceptible to Groundwater Flooding (AStGWF)-Flood Map (for rivers and sea) - flood zone 3-Flood Map (for rivers and sea) - flood zone 2Probability refers to the probability of the rainfall event. This identifies areas which are 'less susceptible' to surface water flooding. For more information refer to "What are Areas Susceptible to Surface Water Flooding" Environment Agency December 2010.Probability refers to the probability of the rainfall event. This identifies areas with 'intermediate susceptibility' to surface water flooding. Probability refers to the probability of the rainfall event. This identifies areas which are 'more susceptible' to surface water flooding. xProbability refers to the probability of the rainfall event, in this case producing flooding of greater than 0.1m depth.cDoes not describe a probability, but shows places where groundwater emergence more likely to occur. Fluvial 1 in 100, tidal 1 in 200Extreme flood outline is 1 in 1000, and includes some historic where judged that this gives an indication of areas at risk of future flooding.Sea, ordinary watercourses\Data developed specifically for PFRA, and is unlikely to be suitable for any other purposes.AJBA Consulting (distributed by Environment Agency under licence) Environment Agency2010-112009-07 JFLOW-GPUArcGISQVaries but mainly JFLOW, ISIS, HEC-RAS, TUFLOW for fluvial, and HYDROF for tidal. National methodology described in "National Generalised Modelling for Flood Zones - Fluvial & Tidal Modelling Methods - Methodology, Strengths and Limitations". A national dataset (for England and Wales) of fluvial flood peak estimates was derived from the Flood Estimation Handbook (FEH) to generate a 1 in 100 chance fluvial flood. Local fluvial modelling uses FEH methods. Peak tidal water levels from either Dixon & Tawn (DT3) or local data sets to derive 1 in 200 chance tide levels including surge from POL CSX model.Uses data which is developed from published BGS groundwater level contours, groundwater levels in BGS WellMaster database and some river levels. No probability is associated with this data.Depth-duration-frequency curves derived from FEH CD-ROM, from centre of each 5km model, with areal reduction factor applied to convert point rainfall estimate to more representative figure. Curve then used to derive 1.1 hr, 1:30 chance rainfall depth; this is converted to hyetograph, using summer rainfall profile. See "Description of assessment method" for allowances for infiltration and drainage.Bb<Depth-duration-frequency curves derived from FEH CD-ROM, from centre of each 5km model, with areal reduction factor applied to convert point rainfall estimate to more representative figure. Curve then used to derive 6.5 hr, 1:200 chance rainfall depth; this is converted to hyetograph, using summer rainfall pr< ofile.Data updated quarterly. To understand the likelihood of future flooding, taking account of defences, refer to Areas Benefitting from Defences and National Flood Risk Assessment (NaFRA) data. Marked 'Protect' for complete national dataset only.Data updated quarterly. To understand the likelihood of future flooding, taking account of defences, refer to National Flood Risk Assessment (NaFRA) data. Marked 'Protect' for complete national dataset only. CommercialFlood Risk Area IDdNational Grid Reference of the centroid (centre point, falls within polygon) of the Flood Risk Area.UKE10000012A00011LondontPick the source from which there is a significant flood risk. Refer to the PFRA guidance for definitions of sources.If there is also significant flood risk generated by another source (other than the Main source of flooding), report the source(s) here, using the same source terms.Tk`Has the Flood Risk Area been identified as a result of significant consequences to human health?YHas the Flood Risk Area been identified as a result of significant economic consequences?If the Flood Risk Area has been identified as a result of other Significant consequences to human health, describe them (such as information about the number of critical services flooded).@hIf the Flood Risk Area has been identified as a result of other Significant economic consequences, describe them (such as information about the area of agricultural land flooded, length of roads and rail flooded).@acHas the Flood Risk Area been identified as a result of significant consequences to the environment?If the Flood Risk Area has been identified as a result of Significant consequences to the environment, describe them (such as information about national and international designated sites flooded, and pollution sources flooded).:e:Rainfall Hyetograph, EA 2m Composite DTM, OSMM Topography 9Rainfall Hyetograph, EA 2m Composite DTM, OSMM TopographyeHas the Flood Risk Area been identified as a result of significant consequences to cultural heritage?ANNEX 1:ANNEX 2:ANNEX 3:Rationale detailNA Geography Past floods Future floodsPick the origin from either; 'Indicative' Flood Risk Area, 'Amended' Flood Risk Area (in which case Amended Flood Risk Area rationale is mandatory), or 'New' Flood Risk Area (in which case New Flood Risk Area rationale is mandatory).d Pick the main rationale from either; 'Geography', 'Past floods', or 'Future floods'. Then provide further detail in Rationale detail. This is not mandatory if the Flood Risk Area was an indicative Flood Risk Area and has not been amended, or is a new Flood Risk Area.tPick the main rationale from either 'Past floods', or 'Future floods'. Then provide further detail in Rationale detail. This is not mandatory if the Flood Risk Area was an indicative Flood Risk Area.fvUSummarise the rationale for amending an indicative Flood Risk Area, or identifying a new Flood Risk Area. Refer to Defra & WAG guidance to LLFAs on "Selecting and reviewing Flood Risk Areas for local sources of flooding". If the Flood Risk Area was an indicative Flood Risk Area and has not been amended, record "indicative Flood Risk Area".WPick a characteristic from; 'Flash flood' (rises and falls quite rapidly with little or no advance warning), 'Natural flood' (due to significant precipitation, at a slower rate than a flash flood), 'Snow melt flood' (due to rapid snow melt), 'Debris flow' (conveying a high degree of debris), or 'No data'. Most UK floods are 'Natural floods'.European Flood Risk Area CodecWould there be any significant consequences to cultural heritage if the future flood were to occur?If there would be other Significant consequences to human health, describe them including information such as the number of critical services flooded.@If there would be other Significant economic consequences, describe them including information such as the area of agricultural land flooded, length of roads and rail flooded.9If there would be Significant consequences to the environment, describe them including information such as national and international designated sites flooded, and pollution sources flooded.=12000NameWName of the model or map product or project which produced the future flood information West Midlands SP0250090000Background, or additional information on the probability of the flood modelled - such as whether Probability refers to probability of rainfall or water on the ground.al7Any additional comments about the future flood record. 9Type of software used to create future flood information.AType of hydrology method used to create future flood information.FEH (Revised Rainfall Runoff)+Flood Map for Surface Water - 1 in 200 deepxProbability refers to the probability of the rainfall event, in this case producing flooding of greater than 0.3m depth.Aerial photo or videoGround photo or videoNatural exceedanceNatural flood CWhere residential or non-residential properties have been counted, it is important to record the method of counting, to aid comparisons between counts. Choose from; 'Detailed GIS' (using property outlines, as per Environment Agency guidance), 'Simple GIS' (using property points), 'Estimate from map', or 'Observed number'.LowDefence exceedanceFailure Flash flood Natural floodNo data Detailed GIS Simple GIS"Additional source(s) of flooding+The total area of the land flooded, in km2 ) *Main source of floodingSurface runoff GroundwaterOrdinary watercourses Main riversThe sea%Confidence in main source of floodingYesEnvironment consequencesIf there were Significant consequences to the environment, describe them including information such as national and international designated sites flooded, and pollution sources flooded.9(Significant consequences to human health!Significant economic consequences+Significant consequences to the environment-Significant consequences to cultural heritageCultural heritage consequencesNotes:Other human health consequencesIf there were other Significant consequences to human health, describe them including information such as the number of critical services flooded.<2Human health consequences - residential propertiesOther economic consequencesIf there were other Significant economic consequences, describe them including information such as the area of agricultural land flooded, length of roads and rail flooded.52320-50Epping Forest District CouncilProvide references to relevant specific photographs, or to a set of relevant photographs. It may not be practical to reference all relevant photographs for each flood event. Location Description Start date Days durationPhoto IDCommentsLineageHighProtectExample:Confidence in modelled outline Model TypeHydrology Type 2D-TuFlowName of Flood Risk Area IndicativeNewProperty count methodFormat:Estimate from mapObserved number Data owner,Number of non-residential properties floodedFlood event outline source Survey dateFlood event outline confidenceSensitive dataProtective marking descriptor Site surveyLineage is how and what the data is made from. Has this data been created by using data owned or derived from data owned by 3rd party (external) organisations? If yes please give details.FOrdnance Survey AddressPoint; CEH 1:50k River Centreline; NextMap DTM.Unmarked RestrictedUnknownAmendedFlood modelled MandatoryOptional Max 250 charactersProfessional staff notes ConfidentialPublicField:Pick from drop-down#'yyyy' or 'yyyy-mm' or 'yyyy-mm-dd'Mandatory / optional:Name of LocationSummary description Description of assessment methodNew Flood Risk Area rationale!Amended Flood Risk Area rationaleOrigin of Flood Risk AreaMax 25 characters7A description of the general location that was flooded.Essex,Several towns and< villages across west EssexNational Grid Reference 1998-04-15 ProbabilityMediumName of the locality associated with the flood, using recognised postal address names such as streets, towns, counties. If the flood affected the whole LLFA, then record the name of the LLFA.No 1998-04-20Max 50 charactersPrivate SX1234512345National Grid Reference of the centroid (centre point, falls within polygon) of the flood extent, or of the area affected if there is no extent information.$12 characters: 2 letters, 10 numbersMax 5,000 charactersNumber with two decimal placesIf flooding occurred from, or interacted with, any other sources (other than the Main source of flooding), report the source(s) here, using the same source terms.QhOptional for first cycleeThe date when the flood commenced - when land not normally covered by water became covered by water. Area floodedtPick the source from which the majority of flooding occurred. Refer to the PFRA guidance for definitions of sources.Artificial infrastructureSnow melt floodNAMECODEBarking and Dagenham E09000002Barnet E09000003Barnsley E08000016Bath and North East Somerset E06000022Bedford E06000055Bexley E09000004 91鶹 E08000025Blackburn with Darwen E06000008 Blackpool E06000009 Blaenau Gwent W06000019Bolton E08000001 Bournemouth E06000028Bracknell Forest E06000036Bradford E08000032Brent E09000005Bridgend W06000013Brighton and Hove E06000043Bristol, City of E06000023Bromley E09000006Buckinghamshire E10000002Bury E08000002 Caerphilly W06000018 Calderdale E08000033Cambridgeshire E10000003Camden E09000007Cardiff W06000015Carmarthenshire W06000010Central Bedfordshire E06000056 Ceredigion W06000008 Cheshire East E06000049Cheshire West and Chester E06000050City of London E09000001Conwy W06000003Cornwall E06000052 County Durham E06000047Coventry E08000026Croydon E09000008Cumbria E10000006 Darlington E06000005 Denbighshire W06000004Derby E06000015 Derbyshire E10000007Devon E10000008 Doncaster E08000017Dorset E10000009Dudley E08000027Ealing E09000009East Riding of Yorkshire E06000011 East Sussex E10000011Enfield E09000010 E10000012 Flintshire W06000005 Gateshead E08000020Gloucestershire E10000013 Greenwich E09000011Gwynedd W06000002Hackney E09000012Halton E06000006Hammersmith and Fulham E09000013 Hampshire E10000014Haringey E09000014Harrow E09000015 Hartlepool E06000001Havering E09000016Herefordshire, County of E06000019 Hertfordshire E10000015 Hillingdon E09000017Hounslow E09000018Isle of Anglesey W06000001 Isle of Wight E06000046Isles of Scilly E06000053 Islington E09000019Kensington and Chelsea E09000020Kent E10000016Kingston upon Hull, City of E06000010Kingston upon Thames E09000021Kirklees E08000034Knowsley E08000011Lambeth E09000022 Lancashire E10000017Leeds E08000035 Leicester E06000016Leicestershire E10000018Lewisham E09000023 Lincolnshire E10000019 Liverpool E08000012Luton E06000032 Manchester E08000003Medway E06000035Merthyr Tydfil W06000024Merton E09000024 Middlesbrough E06000002 Milton Keynes E06000042 Monmouthshire W06000021Neath Port Talbot W06000012Newcastle upon Tyne E08000021Newham E09000025Newport W06000022Norfolk E10000020North East Lincolnshire E06000012North Lincolnshire E06000013North Somerset E06000024North Tyneside E08000022North Yorkshire E10000023Northamptonshire E10000021Northumberland E06000048 Nottingham E06000018Nottinghamshire E10000024Oldham E08000004 Oxfordshire E10000025 Pembrokeshire W06000009 Peterborough E06000031Plymouth E06000026Poole E06000029 Portsmouth E06000044Powys W06000023Reading E06000038 Redbridge E09000026Redcar and Cleveland E06000003Rhondda, Cynon, Taff W06000016Richmond upon Thames E09000027Rochdale E08000005 Rotherham E08000018Rutland E06000017Salford E08000006Sandwell E08000028Sefton E08000014 Sheffield E08000019 Shropshire E06000051Slough E06000039Solihull E08000029Somerset E10000027South Gloucestershire E06000025South Tyneside E08000023 Southampton E06000045Southend-on-Sea E06000033 Southwark E09000028 St. Helens E08000013 Staffordshire E10000028 Stockport E08000007Stockton-on-Tees E06000004Stoke-on-Trent E06000021Suffolk E10000029 Sunderland E08000024Surrey E10000030Sutton E09000029Swansea W06000011Swindon E06000030Tameside E08000008Telford and Wrekin E06000020The Vale of Glamorgan W06000014Thurrock E06000034Torbay E06000027Torfaen W06000020 Tower Hamlets E09000030Trafford E08000009 Wakefield E08000036Walsall E08000030Waltham Forest E09000031 Wandsworth E09000032 Warrington E06000007 Warwickshire E10000031West Berkshire E06000037 West Sussex E10000032 Westminster E09000033Wigan E08000010 Wiltshire E06000054Windsor and Maidenhead E06000040Wirral E08000015 Wokingham E06000041 Wolverhampton E08000031Worcestershire E10000034Wrexham W06000006York E06000014Source MechanismCharacteristic ConfidenceYes/NoProperty Count MethodNextMap SAR DTMe, UKHO Admiralty Charts, 1:50K CEH River Centre Line, CEH FEH Q(T) Grids, POL CSX Peak Extreme Water Levels, POL CS3 Astronomical Tides, UKHO Admiralty Tide Time-Series Calibration Locations, OS 1:10 Boundary Line MHW, Historic Flood MapNextMap SAR DTMe, UKHO Admiralty Charts, 1:50K CEH River Centre Line, CEH FEH Q(T) Grids, POL CSX Peak Extreme Water Levels, POL CS3 Astronomical Tides, UKHO Admiralty Tide Time-Series Calibration Locations, OS 1:10 Boundary Line MHWFlood Event Outline Source>Pick a mechanism from; 'Natural exceedance' (of capacity), 'Defence exceedance' (floodwater overtopping defences), 'Failure' (of natural or artificial defences or infrastructure, or of pumping), 'Blockage or restriction' (natural or artificial blockage or restriction of a conveyance channel or system), or 'No data'. Blockage or restriction Deep flood SensitivityMax 42 charactersUnique number between 1-9999Auto-populatedHA sequential number starting at 1 and incrementing by 1 for each record.Number between 1-10,000,000Records begin here:%Max 250 characters, same source termslChoose from; 'High' (data includes one of: Aerial video, Aerial photos, Professional survey, Flood level information, EA flood data recording staff notes), 'Medium' (data includes one of: EA/LA ground video, EA/LA ground photos, EA/LA flood event outline map, LA/professional partner officer site records, Public ground video), 'Low' (not confident) or 'Unknown'. European Flood Event Code Description of the flood and its adverse or potentially adverse consequences. Where available, information from other fields (Start date, Days duration, Probability, Main source, Main mechanism, Main characteristics, Significant consequences) should be repeated here.~Flood IDName of the locality associated with the flood, using recognised postal address names such as streets, towns, counties. If the flood affects the whole LLFA, then record the name of the LLFA.<A description of the general location that could be flooded.uThe chance of the flood occuring in any given year - record X from "a 1 in X chance of occurring in any given year". The chance of the flood occuring in any given year - record X from "a 1 in X chance of occurring in any given year". Where this is difficult to estimate, a range can be recorded. 200pPick the source which generates the majority of flooding. Refer to the PFRA guidance for def< initions of sources.If the flood is generated by, or interacts with, any other sources (other than the Main source of flooding), report the source(s) here, using the same source terms.SjMain mechanism of floodingMain characteristic of flooding^Would there be any significant consequences to human health if the future flood were to occur?WWould there be any significant economic consequences if the future flood were to occur?aWould there be any significant consequences to the environment if the future flood were to occur?UKE10000012F0001UKE10000012P0001Description of the future flood information and how it has been produced. Cover Regulation 12(6) requirements of (a) topography, (b) the location of watercourses, (c) the location of flood plains that retain flood water, (d) the characteristics of watercourses, and (e) the effectiveness of any works constructed for the purpose of flood risk management. Information from other relevant fields (Probability, Main source, Name) should be repeated here.Max 1,000 characters4Any additional comments about the past flood record. Medium-Low High-Medium$Adverse consequences to human healthAdverse economic consequences'Adverse consequences to the environment)Adverse consequences to cultural heritage SP0815088559+Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment Checklist LLFA Name:91鶹Checklist questionsNotes for completionLLFA Environment Agency area review"Environment Agency national reviewStep 1*Set up governance and develop partnershipsEHave appropriate governance and partnership arrangements been set up?tRefer to section 2.3 of guidance. Governance and partnership arrangements should be to the satisfaction of the LLFA.7Who in the LLFA reviewed the PFRA and when was it done?Please state the review and approval process and when approval was gained e.g. Officer, Scrutiny Committee, Cabinet. Refer to Section 5 of the guidance.\Transportation, Environment and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee - 10th May 2011Step 2"Determine appropriate data systems>Has a data management system been established and implemented?0See Annex 5 for information about data standardsStep 3DCollate information on past and future floods and their consequences:Has information been requested from all relevant partners?/See Flood Risk Regulations Part 6 Co-operation.Are there any gaps in available information? (This could include gaps which could have been filled but weren't, or gaps which couldn't be filled because the information wasn't available).LLFAs - Are there gaps in certain locations, or for certain events that you are aware of, or for certain sources of flooding (such as groundwater). Respond with Yes/No and provide comments on any missing information. EA Review - Has all available information has been gathered and included?6No - appropriate data gathered for scale of the study.Step 44Determining locally agreed surface water informationmWhich dataset (or combination of datasets) has been determined as "locally agreed surface water information"?LLFAs - Select from drop down. Refer to "Locally agreed surface water information" text box in section 3.5.1 (p.17) of guidance. EA review - Has this been agreed?Flood Map for Surface WaterHas the locally agreed surface water information been clearly stated and presented (on a map) in the Preliminary Assessment Report?LLFAs - Select Yes/No from drop down list. Refer to "locally agreed surface water information" text box in section 3.5.1 (p.17) of guidance.hIf available, what is the total property count for locally agreed surface water information in the LLFA?JIf known, please enter the total number of properties at risk in the LLFA.jIf applicable, has the method for counting properties been described in the Preliminary Assessment Report?(Refer to text box on page 17 of guidanceHas available information on local drainage capacity (where used to inform the determination of locally agreed surface water information) been included in the report?Refer to text box on page 17 of guidance. Information provided on drainage may inform options for any future improvements to the Flood Map for Surface Water.Step 5/Complete Preliminary Assessment Report Document}Does the Preliminary Assessment Report cover all the content described in Annex 1 of the Environment Agency's PFRA guidance? QLLFAs - If the Preliminary Assessment Report contains all the content described in Annex 2 of the PFRA guidance, respond with a 'Yes'. If there are some elements missing, please provide a brief explanation. EA Review - Include comments on any missing content.2Has a summary table of flood events been produced?(Refer to section 3.4 and 3.5 of guidance5Has a description of past flood events been included?VHas additional information been included on climate change and long term developments?Refer to 3.6 of guidance. Standard text has been provided for Preliminary Assessment Reports which meets the minimum requirements of the Flood Risk Regulations. Please respond with Yes or No, and if additional information has been included, please state the information source(s)Step 6ZRecord information on past and future floods with significant consequences in spreadsheet Are records of past flooding with significant harmful consequences recorded on the Preliminary Assessment Report spreadsheet (Annex 1 of Prelminary Assessment Report) ?LLFAs - past flooding should be recorded on the spreadsheet and included as Annex 1 of the Preliminary Assessment Report. EA review - Are all the mandatory fields complete?{Are there any past floods with significant harmful consequences that have not been recorded? If so, please explain why not.LLFAs - Respond with Yes or No. If No, provide additional information e.g. anecdotal information on flood, but not enough evidence to include EA review - Do you agree with LLFA response and comments?Have any additional records of future flooding (other than the national dataset information which is already completed) been recorded on the future flooding Preliminary Assessment Report spreadsheet (Annex 2 of Preliminary Assessment Report) LLFAs - future flooding information should be recorded on the spreadsheet and included as Annex 2 of the Preliminary Assessment Report. EA review - Are all mandatory fields complete?Step 70Illustrate information on past and future floods;Have summary maps been produced for past and future floods?Step 8"Review indicative Flood Risk Areas2Is your LLFA within an indicative Flood Risk Area?^Indicative Flood Risk Areas were provided to LLFAs by the Environment Agency in December 2010.If the answer to 8.1 is yes, have you reviewed it using the locally agreed surface water information, and relevant local information in the Preliminary Assessment Report?Refer to section 4 of guidance. LLFAs should identify whether they have reviewed against local information or just used the indicative Flood Risk Area information provided by the Environment Agency.Step 9Identify Flood Risk AreasIs a Flood Risk Area proposed?LLFA - select a response from the drop down list and then complete the relevant questions 9.1.1 - 9.1.5. (NB. Indicative Flood Risk Areas can be amended due to Geography, past flooding and/or future flooding.)UYes - it is exactly the same as the indicative Flood Risk Area (go to question 9.1.1)9.1.1fIf the proposed Flood Risk Area is exactly the same as the indicative Flood Risk Area, please confirm.LLFA - please confirm that the boundary of the indicative Flood Risk Area has not been changed and no change has been made to the flood risk indicators. EA review - please confirm 9.1.2~If changes have been made to the indicative Flood Risk Area because of geography, please identify what changes have bee< n made. Use the drop down list to identify the reasons for the change. Options are the same as the table on page 26 of the PFRA guidance. EA review - please confirm evidence supports change9.1.3If changes have been made to the indicative Flood Risk Area because of past / historic flooding, please indicate the changes and the reasons why.bLLFA - identify the scale of the changes made e.g. major/minor increase or decrease in size of Flood Risk Area and the source of information used e.g. records of historic flooding. EA review - confirm scale of the changes made and provide indication of confidence in the evidence provided e.g. anecdotal evidence versus detailed report on flooding event.9.1.4If changes have been made to the indicative Flood Risk Areas because of future flooding, please indicate the changes and the reasons why.LLFA - identify the scale of the changes made e.g. major/minor increase or decrease in size of Flood Risk Area and the source of information used e.g. detailed modelling as part of SWMP. EA review - confirm scale of the changes made and indication of confidence in the evidence 9.1.5TIf a new Flood Risk Area is being proposed, does it meet the Defra / WAG thresholds?Criteria and thresholds are set out in the Defra/WAG guidance on selecting and reviewing Flood Risk Areas for local sources of flooding EA review - identify the evidence provided to support this and indicate degree of confidence in the evidence.lDoes the proposed Flood Risk Area include flooding from interactions with main river, reservoirs or the sea?LLFAs should respond with Yes or No. EA Review - Summarise the location and nature of interactions i.e. river or sea./Has an indicative Flood Risk Area been deleted?LLFA - Respond with Yes/No and if an indicative Flood Risk Area has been deleted please provide a short description why. EA - confirm the evidence presented to support this is aligned to 'locally agreed surface water information'N/AStep 10NRecord information including rationale - ONLY COMPLETE IF ANSWER TO 9.1 IS YES No change[If proposing Flood Risk Areas, have the mandatory fields in the spreadsheet been completed?LLFAs - the spreadsheet indicates mandatory columns to be completed. EA Review - Are all mandatory fields complete?~Has a rationale and evidence for amending/adding/deleting Flood Risk Areas been included in the Preliminary Assessment Report?LLFAs - Refer to Table 5 on page 26 of the PFRA guidance and Annexes A-D of the Defra/WAG Guidance. Rationale should be included in "Identification of Flood Risk Areas" section of Preliminary Assessment Report. EA Review - Confirm that supporting evidence for any amendments/additions/deletions has been provided in the Preliminary Assessment Report and annexesMinor change in boundary3Indicative Flood Risk Area split into smaller areas8No - no Flood Risk Area is proposed (go to question 9.3)$Indicative Flood Risk Areas combinedOtherjYes - we have made changes to the indicative Flood Risk Area (respond to relevant questions 9.1.2 - 9.1.4)[Yes - we are proposing a new Flood Risk Area based on local evidence (go to question 9.1.5)+Areas Susceptible to Surface Water FloodingCombination of FMfSW and AStSWF0Combination of FMfSW and other local information1Combination of AStSWF and other local information8Combination of FMfSW, AStSWF and other local informationOther local informationPast/historic floodingFuture floodingCombination of reasons6" Topography is derived from LIDAR (in larger urban areas, on 1, 2 and 3m grids; original accuracy 0.15m) and Geoperspective data (original accuracy 1.5m), processed to remove buildings and vegetation, then degraded to a composite 5m DTM. Manual edits applied where flow paths clearly omitted e.g. below bridges. " Flow routes dictated by topography; no allowance made for manmade drainage. The DTM may miss flow paths below bridges. " Areas that may flood are defined by dynamically routing a 6.5 hour duration storm with 1 in 200 chance of occurring in any year, over the DTM using JBA s JFLOW GPU model. " Manning s n of 0.1 is used throughout, to allow broad scale effects of buildings and other obstructions to be approximated. " No allowance made for drainage, pumping or other works constructed for the purpose of flood risk management. " The  intermediate susceptibility layer shows where modelled flooding is 0.3-1.0m deep; you must not interpret this as depth of flooding, rather as indicative of susceptibility to flooding because of modelling uncertainties.(" Topography is derived from LIDAR (in larger urban areas, on 1, 2 and 3m grids; original accuracy 0.15m) and Geoperspective data (original accuracy 1.5m), processed to remove buildings and vegetation, then degraded to a composite 5m DTM. Manual edits applied where flow paths clearly omitted e.g. below bridges. " Flow routes dictated by topography; no allowance made for manmade drainage. The DTM may miss flow paths below bridges. " Areas that may flood are defined by dynamically routing a 6.5 hour duration storm with 1 in 200 chance of occurring in any year, over the DTM using JBA s JFLOW GPU model. " Manning s n of 0.1 is used throughout, to allow broad scale effects of buildings and other obstructions to be approximated. " No allowance made for drainage, pumping or other works constructed for the purpose of flood risk management. " The  more susceptible layer shows where modelled flooding is >1.0m deep; you must not interpret this as depth of flooding, rather as indicative of susceptibility to flooding because of modelling uncertainties.f" Topography is derived from 64.5% LIDAR (on 0.<o25m-2m grids; original accuracy 0.15m) and 35.5% NEXTMap SAR (on 5m grid; original accuracy 1.0m), processed to remove buildings & vegetation, then combined on a 2m grid; buildings added with an arbitrary height of 5m based on OS MasterMap 2009 building footprints, then resampled to a 5m grid DTM. Manual edits applied where flow paths clearly omitted e.g. below bridges. " Flow routes dictated by topography; a uniform allowance of 12mm/hr has been made for manmade drainage in urban areas. Infiltration allowance reduces runoff to 39% in rural areas and 70% in urban areas. " Areas that may flood are defined by dynamically routing a 1.1 hour duration storm with 1 in 30 chance of occurring in any year over the DTM using JBA s JFLOW GPU model. " Manning s n of 0.1 in rural areas; 0.03 in urban areas, to reflect explicit modelling of buildings in urban areas. " No allowance made for local variations in drainage, pumping or other works constructed for the purpose of flood risk management. " The  >0.3m layer shows where modelled flooding is greater than 0.3m deep.S f/3at? 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