ࡱ> @D?o  bjbj .֘zf֘zf $$&=====&&&&&&&$)7,d4&4&==I&,,, ==&,&,,:T$,$=rv:0" $ %_&0&$R,,x,$$&,%,4&4&&, : Local Government Transparency Code Counter Fraud Information 2019/20 This information relates to all fraud investigations including employee, social housing and council tax relief / discounts. Number of occasions powers under the Prevention of Social Housing Fraud (Power to Require Information) (England) Regulations 201432, or similar powers, used. 10 requests made under the Prevention of Social Housing Fraud (Power to Require Information) (England) Regulations 201432 Total number (absolute and full time equivalent) of employees undertaking investigations and prosecutions of fraud. Absolute15FTE14.32 Employees as at 31st March 2020. Total number (absolute and full time equivalent) of professionally accredited counter fraud specialists. Absolute14 FTE13.5 Employees as at 31st March 2020 who held the PINS (Professionalism in Security), CCIP (CIPFA Certificate in Investigative Practice) or ACFS (Accredited Counter Fraud Specialist) qualification. Total amount spent by the authority on the investigation and prosecution of fraud. 681,000 total direct salary costs (rounded to nearest 1,000). Total number of fraud cases investigated. 2835 investigations across all sources and types. #$%ABCDFGHJLYcf| ? ] c d e f h i p q r } T U V W _ hh hKh hKh*  hhhhI9 hKhYhKh_%5hKh-5hKhY5h nhCDh<@h/hC5Xh ^hY h5 hG5hYhC s5hYhY50$%GHe f V W ` c d Wkd$$If0D FF3 t622 l4Balyt$IfgdgdCDgdY_ ` b c d g h m n o p        ԿԻreXrhh CJ^JaJhhCJ^JaJ hh!OJPJQJnH tH hh7 CJ^JaJhh!CJ^JaJhh_%5hhY5 hhI hhKhhhH*hh9CJ^JaJ hh hhOJPJQJnH tH  hh9hhCJ^JaJ!d h n o p  | $Ifgd+ $Ifgd!gd!gdYgdKgdWkd$$If0D FF3 t622 l4Balyt$If     ?::gd!Wkd$$If0D FF3 t622 l4Balyt! $Ifgd! $IfgdWkdH$$If0D FF3 t622 l4Balyt! 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